Rules and Ethics

What is the Rules and Ethics Committee?

The KINGS Hockey Rules and Ethics Committee is responsible for investigating reports of inappropriate player behavior outside of game situations. Player offenses committed during games are first escalated directly to AHAI by the game referees. AHAI has the right to reassign the investigation Back to the club level. The KINGS Rules and Ethics Committee shall also investigate complaints lodged against parents, spectators, and coaches.

The Rules and Ethics Committee consists of a committee chair and a representative from each team in the club.

Interested in Rules and Ethics?

Check out our Rules and Ethics Q&A to learn more about the committee and how you can help!

Rules and Ethics Committee

Bill Waters

Rules and Ethics Chariman

(815) 266-9230

Brian Rensberger

Varsity Rules and Ethics

Ariel Flores

JV 1 Rules and Ethics

Rebecca Wooley

JV 2 Rules and Ethics


Rules and Ethics Guide


Claimant - The person making the complaint

Accused - The person accused

Witnesses, introductory (first hand) and secondary (parent or authority notified by the claimant)

Non-involved witnesses (did not see event, police, and rink management)


An act of aggression by someone or a group with -

  • The intent of harming a person either physically or psychologically
  • Involves an abuse of power. Excludes the victim from a group
  • Bullies often act alone or in small groups
  • Bullying may include hitting, threatening, intimidating, teasing and taunting, and name- calling,
  • More subtle attacks such as spreading rumors or encouraging others to reject the person.
  • Bullies target individuals whom they perceive are weaker or more vulnerable.

PEER CONFLICT - is not bullying

When two players with no perceived power imbalance fight, argue, or disagree.


  • Use of embarrassing and often dangerous or illegal activities to initiate new members by a group
  • A ritual imposed on a person who wants to join a group.


  • Discrimination against another based on a protected class, such as age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, or disability
  • Is severe, pervasive, or persistent
  • Creates a hostile environment

STALKING (criteria is continued, pattern)

  • Repeated harassing or threatening behavior
  • Following a person
  • Damaging a person’s property
  • Making harassing phone calls



***If the complaint or any associated investigation involves unauthorized physical contact with a minor, the Rules and Ethics committee chairperson is under a legal obligation to report the matter to the police immediately***

Coaches, Managers, and Board Members shall be instructed on the following procedures when served with a complaint.

Any concern or complaint presented that violates of any Code, Regulation, or Policy of KINGS, AHAI, or USA Hockey shall be escalated immediately to the club President/VP or Rules and Ethics Chairperson

  • Ask for basic information only, what happened, and the names of those accused.
  • Inform the complainant that the Rules and Ethics Committee will contact them within 48 hours to set up an interview.

President/VP and Rules and Ethics Chairman shall discuss the merit of the case within 48 hours.

  • Is it reasonable to pursue this through KINGS Rules & Ethics?
  • Is this the appropriate level to address the situation?
  • If YES - Proceed to Interviews
  • If applicable, define the alleged behavior based on the definitions provided on page 1.
  • If NO due to determination of no merit - President/VP informs Complainant family in writing within 2 days (supply reasons for dismissal). CC all Rules and Ethics Committee Members, President/VP, and Head coach
  • If NO due to extreme violation - escalate to AHAI Rules and Ethics Chairperson. President/VP informs Complainant, and family of escalation, in writing, within 4 days (supply reasons for dismissal). CC all Rules and Ethics Committee Members, President/VP, and Head coach.

Requirements of Investigation


  • Rules and Ethics Committee Members are to remain objective
  • Focus on obtaining facts
  • Collect information to support a conclusion and recommendation.
  • The tone and setting of the interview shall be private and non-threatening.
  • In investigations involving minors, the presence of a parent/guardian is required. Parent/guardian may not coach or interject answers
  • Separate interviews shall be conducted for all parties
  • Parent /Guardian should sit out of view from the minor to avoid making the minor uncomfortable Interviews shall take place in person, not over the phone


At least 2 of the 3 Rules and Ethics Committee Members shall be present at all interviews.

The President shall appoint a Board Member to replace any unavailable Rules and Ethics Committee Members for that investigation only.

If the Rules and Ethics Chairman is unable to attend, he/she shall choose the lead person for that particular interview only.

Rules and Ethics Members shall refrain from hearing details before the interviews.

Any Rules and Ethics Committee Member who has a special interest or involvement in the incident/persons involved has a conflict of interest and must recuse themselves. The President shall appoint a Board Member to fill in for this investigation only.


When possible, all interviews shall be completed within 5 days of an initial phone call between Rules and Ethics Chairman and the Claimant or parent/guardian.

Interview Complainant first, accused second, Witnesses last.

Let those interviewed talk, and ask open-ended questions (“Tell me what happened next”, not “And then did he punch the man”).

Do not tell them what you know or what others have said.

Do not disclose names of witnesses or other accused listed by the complainant.

For the investigation to proceed, all player Complainants and Accused, (accompanied by a parent or guardian) shall be required to attend an interview with the KINGS Rules and Ethics Committee.



If the Claimant does not agree to be interviewed by the Rules and Ethics Committee, the case will be closed. A closed case may not be reopened. A parent/guardian may not testify in place of their player.

Recorded notes are to be submitted to the Secretary for record retention. Attach letter listing reason for closing of case.


  • Contact the parent/guardian of the Complainant by phone within 24 hours of receiving the initial complaint.
  • Ask parents/guardians to state what they know. (High Level)
  • Explain Rules and Ethics Procedure.
  • Rules and Ethics Committee will contact all Accused parties and Witnesses to set up interviews with them, to take place within 5 days or as early as possible.
  • Explain that all parties have the right to challenge any outcome determined by the Rules and Ethics Committee by appealing (in writing) to the Board of Directors, whose decision is final. Appeals must be submitted within 5 days of learning of the ruling.
  • Instruct the Complainant to write down notes about the incident while their memory is still fresh and bring these notes to the interview. A formal written statement is not necessary.
  • Instruct the Complainant to avoid discussing the events outside of their family.
  • Send an email to the Complainant or parent/guardian within 24 hours confirming the date, time, location, and purpose of the interview. CC President/VP, Rules and Ethics Members, and Head Coach


If the Accused does not agree to be interviewed by the Rules and Ethics Committee, the case will be closed. The Rules and Ethics Committee will determine the consequences for not appearing. A parent/guardian may not testify for their player. Recorded notes are to be submitted to the Secretary for record retention.


  • Contact the parent/guardian of the Accused by phone within 24 hours of the initial complaint
  • Describe the complaint that has been reported.
  • Give General Details of complaint
  • Stress that any intimidation towards the Complainant will result in greater penalties
  • Tell the parent/guardian of the Accused that they will have the opportunity to respond to the allegation(s) made against him/her before any action is taken.
  • Explain the Rules and Ethics Process
  • Rules and Ethics committee will contact all Accused parties and Witnesses to set up interviews with them, to take place within 5 days or as early as possible.
  • Explain that all parties have the right to challenge any outcome determined by the Rules and Ethics Committee by appealing (in writing) to the Board of Directors, whose decision is final. Appeals must be submitted within 5 days of learning of the ruling.
  • Schedule Initial interview.
  • Send an email within 24 hours confirming the date, time, location, and purpose of the interview. CC President/VP, and Head Coach.


  • Rules and Ethics Chairman shall contact the parent/guardian of all witnesses by phone within 48 hours of the initial complaint
  • Notify them of the complaint that has been reported.
  • Stress that any intimidation towards the accuser will result in greater penalties
  • Reassure parent/guardian that their child has been identified as a witness only.
  • Ask to schedule an interview - Witnesses cannot be coerced into giving their testimony.
  • Instruct the Witness to avoid discussing anything relevant to the reported issue.
  • Send an email within 48 hours confirming the date, time, location, and purpose of the interview. CC President/VP, and Head Coach.



  • Have the claimant tell you what happened‐listen carefully
  • Take notes/report on who/what/where/when/why.
  • After the accused has finished with their account, ask follow-up questions to illustrate the full story.
  • Leave the Complainant and parent/guardian alone to review the notes/report.
  • Have them make any changes and sign.


Inform the Accused that any retaliatory behaviors will result in disciplinary action.

  • Make sure the Accused understands the seriousness of the situation and that if the charges are valid, the necessary consequence(s) will be administered.
  • Inform the accused of specific allegations against them.
  • Have the Accused tell you what happened‐listen carefully
  • After the Accused has finished with their account, ask follow-up questions to illustrate the full story.
  • Leave the Accused and parent/guardian alone to review the notes/report.
  • Have them make any changes and sign.


  • Conduct in a logical order
  • Inform Witnesses that any retaliatory behaviors will result in disciplinary action.
  • Do not disclose names of other witnesses listed by complainant
  • Have the Witness tell you what happened carefully & take notes/report on who/what/where/when/why and how.
  • After the Witness has finished with their account, ask follow-up questions to illustrate the full story.
  • Leave the Witness and parent/guardian alone to review the notes/report.
  • Have then make any changes and sign.


Rules and Ethics Committee members shall review all interview reports to prepare for a discussion that will take place within 5 days following the completion of the last interview.

If further information is needed a committee member shall be assigned to contact the appropriate party to collect the additional information and report back to the Committee.


  • Must be able to support guilty verdict
  • Rules and Ethics Committee defines consequences
  • Notify the Complainant, Accused, President/VP, and Head Coach in writing within 5 days of determination.


  • Notify the Complainant, Accused, President/VP, and Head Coach by email within 5 days of determination.


Applications of consequences must be consistent and within the guidelines of USA Hockey, AHAI, and KINGS rules.

Expectations of Consequences must be clearly defined including start and stop dates, and exactly which activities are affected.

If community service is ordered, the Guilty party must reach out to the supervising contact (verbally or in person, not by text or email) within 5 days to make arrangements.

This condition is to be included in the written advisement, along with contact information for the supervising contact.

Community Service is not to interfere with school activities.


  • Create a hostile environment?
  • Include Physical Assault? If so - on who?
  • Include Verbal Assault? If so - on who?
  • Is there a history of conflict between the players involved?
  • Does the Accused show remorse?
  • Does the Accused recognize the seriousness of the offense and why?
  • Does the Accused have a prior history of violence?


The Accused shall be prohibited from attending or participating in any KINGS activities until the Appeals Process is complete.

All parties requesting Appeals Hearings must do so in writing to the Rules and Ethics Chairman.

The Board President, VP, and one other member (chosen by the President) shall be supplied with copies of all Interview reports for review and Appeal.

The Appeals Hearing is scheduled to take place within 5 days from the Notice of Appeal. Send follow-up email stating the day, date, time, and location of the Appeals Hearing within 48 hours following.

If the Appeals Board announces support for the Rules and Ethics Committee's findings and recommendations the ruling stands.

If the Appeals Board does not support the Rules and Ethics Committee's findings and/or recommendations they shall either dismiss charges or render adjusted consequences.

All KINGS Board Decisions will be final.

Final Decisions will be sent to the Complainant and Accused in writing, CC Rules and Ethics Committee, and Head Coach

Consequences shall be monitored.

If requirements are not met, the KINGS Board of Directors has the right to suspend the Guilty party from all KINGS activities, either completely or until all consequences have been served.


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